P.o. Box 1320, Mutare, Zimbabwe
Advance Number: 13071 A
To All Friends and Supporters of Ishe Anesu Project:
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will exalted in the earth. ” (Psalm 46:10). We pray that this Newsletter may find you in good health. We are keeping well and so are the students of Ishe Anesu.
We sincerely apologize for the long stretch without communication. Procrastination has badly affected us despite the constant reminder to send out information on the progress, achievements and needs of Ishe Anesu.
First, we would like to share the good news received from the Advance Office of the General Board of Global Ministries. Ishe Anesu Project has once again been approved as an official project for funding for the next Quadrennium 2013—2016. All financial donations for Ishe Anesu Project should be channelled through the Advance Office of the GBGM at the above Advance number.
Starting from our announcement earlier this year that we were expecting one of our students to graduate from Africa University, indeed Tawanda Chandiwana successfully completed his undergraduate studies in Sociology last June and is currently awaiting admission into graduate school for his Master’s degree. Meanwhile, Tawanda is back at Ishe Anesu teaching his former colleagues as a way to show his appreciation to Ishe Anesu for sending him to college. Next June 2013, the other two students, Precious Chinzvende and Previous Sadazi will also be graduated from Africa University. Precious is studying Education while Previous is doing Management and Administration. Both have successfully completed their internship assignments and expect to graduate next June.
You will also be pleased to know that two more students have now successfully completed their Teacher-Training studies from Nyadiri Teacher Training College and are now awaiting deployment into various high schools by the Government to begin their teaching career. These are Calisto Musimwa and Golden Chiyange. Yvonne Mhembere will complete her teacher-training studies from the same college in 2013.
Finally, two more college students are expected home for the Christmas vacation. Maxwell Samhungu is attending Chinhoyi University of Technology in Chinhoyi. This is his second year. Russell Rusike is attending Solusi University in Bulawayo. This is his third year.
5 High school students have just finished writing their final exams. Their results will be published next February.
In regard to the “Orphanage”, we would like to inform you that due to the derogatory implication that the word may suggest, we have decided to rename it “Ishe Anesu Underprivileged Center.” On September 3 2012 Bishop E. Nhiwatiwa dedicated the building for the Center. The name given to the building is: JERRY RUSSELL/MARY LOU FORGERSONG CENTER. The names were given in honor of Dr. J. Russell’s father who left a Will and part of the will was donated to Ishe Anesu to purchase the land where the building stands. Mary Lou Forgersong was the first to donate funds for the construction of the building. The Center is under the umbrella of Ishe Anesu Project and all programs, namely: education, children’s interaction, meals and recreational activities will be joined together. Two major differences are: 1) whereas the children at the Project return home for the night at the end of the day, those at the Center will stay at the Center under the custody of a couple. 2) Each will have its own designated funds for specific purposes. It’s also important to note that the Center is not part of the Advance and consequently, funds sent through the Advance will not cater for the Center. Funds for the Center, therefore, are channelled through The Samaritan Hands Inc. Zimbabwe, through SunTrust Bank. The funds are managed by the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church in Tennessee, USA. Any financial contributions to the Center may be sent to Rev. Dr. Jerry Russell, Fairview UMC, 2508 Old Niles Ferry Rd., Maryville, TN 37803. The office phone number is 865-983-2080.
We are pleased to inform that the construction of the Center is complete. Power and water supply have been connected. The house has 20 bunk-beds, two 4-plate stoves, one for the children’s kitchen and the other for the caretaker family. What we need now are two fridges, one for the children’s kitchen and one for the caretaker’s kitchen. We need furniture for the caretaker family—bed, table and chairs, and living room furniture. We also need living room furniture for the children.
We are also pleased to inform you that while we are waiting to recruit selected children to occupy the Center, you are all invited to come and stay at the Center during your visit to Ishe Anesu. Last August, we had a delegation of 8 people from the Holston Conference. While they had their hands-on jobs on the building and elsewhere, they stayed at the Center building for 10 days before their return to the United States of America. You are not an exception—VIM Teams, VBS Teams and individuals—We have all the basic necessities for your accommodation. Just lett us know in advance for proper scheduling.
 Tawanda Chandiwana Graduate from Africa University
 Calisto Musimwa( L\) and Golden Chiyange Graduates from Nyadiri Teacher-Training College
Aware of the Global Economic Pinch all of us are going through, we wish to express our utmost gratitude and appreciation to you all, for your continued support—financial, moral, spiritual and in kind to Ishe Anesu children. You are going the extra mile in your giving. You have decided to be still and know that He is God and therefore exalt Him through your giving.
In Christ,
Bill and Maria