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Violet Zvakare autobiography February 2007

Name: Violet Zvakare

Birthday: 15 January 1989

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu Project

Personal information:

Violet Zvakare, 17 years old and lives with her aunt. Her aunt makes her living by being a street vender. Violet lost her mother when she was in pre-school in 1995 and her father died in 1997 when she was in 2nd grade. She has one brother and they both live with their maternal aunt. The brother is a school leaver. Her aunt was very poor to afford to send her and her brother to school and to help them with their needs. Violet suffered a great deal of depression and neglect from her relatives and she head problems with her health. She made some types of decision as a matter of survival. She thought the only way out is to leave her own auntie?s house and find her way as a street kid. Violet used to find her food in garbage cans and she used to wear rugged clothes everyday. Her clothes could hardly get washed and she wore same dress every day.

When Violet heard about Ishe Anesu Project helping poor children in her neighborhood, Sakubva, she came running, alone, unaccompanied by any relative or guardian to ask if she could join the Project because she was no longer going to school and she was hungry. Violet had already lost hope from her relatives.

When Violet joined Ishe Anesu Project in 2000 it was a dream come true. Violet could not believe the type of attention she received from the Project. She was welcomed, hugged, loved, fed, clothed, educated and given as much support as she needed and she was welcome and made her feel at home. She used to say ?I have never known that there are people who can real share their love until I joined Ishe Anesu Project? where she is treated with tender loving care just like own child where her needs were met.

When Violet joined Ishe Anesu Project, she had to repeated third-grade after being expelled from school for a year and half due to lack of funds. She continued with primary school. For her high school, Violet was sent to Marange Mission Boarding School for four years where she completed Form IV equivalent to 12th grade) in December 2006 majoring in Textile and Textiles Technology. With this course, she learned how to tie-dye cotton material. Presently, she is awaiting the results from high school. If she passes she would like to continue with Form V and VI for two year at the same boarding school and to continue with textile course. If not pass, Violet would like to take a vocational training course and continue to specialize in textile. Violet say for her future plans she would like to help others ?just like what? Mama? (mother) Humbane is doing to my life.?

Biography of Farai Nyamuchengwe January 2007

Name: Farai Nyamuchengwe

Birthday: 1st July 1994 (12 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Farai is 13 years old. Both parents are living but very poor. His mother is a vender and she is a member of Ishe Anesu women?s club where she joined to learn domestic skills in order to improve her home condition. His father cannot secure a job. Farai joined Ishe Anesu when he was in 1st Grade. He is a very good student now in Form--One equivalent to sophomore. He does not have a sponsor.

Because of your loving support, Farai has grown up to be a very nice and humble boy who loves Bible study time and he likes to act in drama and enjoys singing. Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Rumbidzai Mukuza and Shamiso Mhlanga

Name: Rumbidzai Mukuza

Birthday: April 11, 1998

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu Project

Personal Information:

Rumbidzai Mukuza is 8 years old a girl in 3rd Grade. She lost her parents when she was a baby and Shamiso Mhlanga 12 years old in 4th Grade has also lost her parents when she was a toddler. Rumbidzai and Shamiso are two cousins both living with their single grandmother and other more cousins. Rumbidzai was born on April 11, 1998 and Shamiso on February 28, 1994. The two cousins both lost their mothers from AIDS. The grandmother besides taking care of Rumbidzai and Shamiso is also taking care of her other grandchildren from her 3 daughters and a son all who died of AIDS. The grandmother makes her living by working in gardens around her neighborhood. Rumbidzai and Shamiso are now members of Ishe Anesu. They need sponsors. At home, they are very responsible for all house chores in order to look after their cousins and their grandmother. They like to play handball.

We hope and pray that Rumbidzai and Shamiso will be brought up into Christian life as they are now members of Ishe Anesu Project. They both like Bible lessons, skit/drama and singing. We pray that they will both grow educationally and spiritually. Thanking you in advance for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Anesu Mudzipurwa

Name: Anesu Mudzipurwa


Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu Project

Personal Information:

Anesu Mudzipurwa, 13 years old and lives with her mother. The mother she is a vender. Her father passed away when she was in 2nd grade and the following year she joined Ishe Anesu Project. Anesu has now completed 7th grade in November 2006. She is a very bright student. Has no sponsor for high school education.

Because of your loving support, Anesu has chosen to lead her life by growing both physically, educationally and spiritually. She likes bible studies and singing. Thanking you in advance for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Leroy Muringa

Name: Leroy Muringa

Birthday: 2 July 1992 (14 yrs old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Leroy Muringa, 14 years old. Both parents live but not able to support their children. Mother is a vender and member of the Ishe Anesu Club , father is in failing health and needs someone to help him with his surroundings. Not so responsible for his family. Leroy is in Form II in a Sakubva local schools. He has been a very bright student since primary school getting ?A?s and B?s.? We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all those who gave assistance to Leroy in primary school. Leroy needs a sponsor to continue with his high school education. He needs $350.00 to continue. Leroy is a very humble boy and very eager to learn. He helps his mom with house chores including taking care of his 2 little brothers. He likes to play soccer.

Because of your support, Leroy is growing both physically and spiritually. He likes to participate in discussions during Bible lesson, he likes to sing and perform in drama/skit. We would appreciate very much if you could provide financial support for Leroy. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Biography of Linton Nezomba Nov 2006

Name: Linton Nezomba (boy)

Birthday February 25 1994

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Linton is 13 years old in 4th Grade. His parents abandoned him when he was a baby and he lives with his grandmother. She is a street vender and could not afford to send Linton to school. Linton joined Ishe Anesu when he was in 1st Grade. He had a very negative childhood. He was not a brilliant student. He had to repeat classes from 5th Grade to 2nd in order to understand his school work. Right now Linton is doing very well in all the subjects. He needs a sponsor. It costs $250.00 per year. His favorite sports is football and at home, he helps with house chores.

Because of your support, Linton has grown up to be a very nice and humble boy who is accepting to lead himself to a Christian life just like his grandmother who is a very strong Christian and member of the Hilltop United Methodist Church. During Bible lesson, Linton enjoys to sing and perform in drama/skit. We would appreciate very much if you could provide financial support for Linton. Thank you for your prayers and your support.

Biography of Lynette Razemba

Name: Lynette Rezemba

Birthday: 16 March 1989 (17 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Lynette is 17 years old. She has both parents but very poor to support their children. Lynette was 10 years old when she and her sister Josephine then (13 years old)both joined Ishe Anesu Project. Lynette and her sister Josephine both started 1st Grade class same day sponsored by Ishe Anesu Project. Lynette has been a very outstanding student from 1st grade up to now in Form II. (9thGrade). She makes ?A & B?s.? She needs a sponsor to continue with her education in high school. It costs $350.00 per year. At home, Lynette helps with house chores. Her favorite sports is Basketball.

Because of your support, Lynette has grown to accept to lead her life in Christian way. At Ishe Anesu Project Lynette is helping in teaching younger children to memorize verses and to help them during bible lessons. She likes to sing and play drama. Lynette and her family are members of the Hilltop United Methodist Church. Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Mercy Muparutsa

Name: Mercy Muparutsa

Birthday: 01 March 1994 (12 years)

Country Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Mercy is a 12 years old. Her mother is deceased and the father is alive but not assuming responsibility of his children. Mercy has 2 older brothers who are of school age. Mercy and her 2 brothers are under the care of their maternal grandmother. Mercy is a very outstanding student. She is now in Form I (freshman). She does not have sponsor. She needs $350.00 per year. Mercy does house chores to help her brothers and her grandmother and she takes care of her laundry.

Because of your support, Mercy is growing physically and spiritually. We would appreciate very much if you could provide financial support for Mercy. Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Pardon Rupondo

Name: Pardon Rupondo

Birthday: 22 January 1992 (15 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Pardon is 15 years old. His parents both are deceased. He lives with his younger brother. They don?t have relatives who can help them with their needs. If there are any relatives somewhere they don?t show up to us. Nevertheless, Ishe Anesu is responsible to help them with food and other needs. Pardon is a very slow learner but we feel he should stay with Ishe Anesu until he finds his way out. He is so afraid to be left alone and face reality. If funds are available, we plan to send Pardon to a vocational training school for weldering skills. This is a 3 semester course He is now in Form II (sophomore) in high school and has no sponsor. It is $350.00 per year.

Pardon is growing both physically and spiritually. He likes to participate in discussions during Bible lesson and also he likes to sing. We would appreciate it very much if you could provide financial support for him. Thank you for your prayers an support.

Biography of Anesu Mudzipurwa

Name: Anesu Mudzipurwa


Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu Project

Personal Information:

Anesu Mudzipurwa, 13 years old and lives with her mother. The mother she is a vender. Her father passed away when she was in 2nd grade and the following year she joined Ishe Anesu Project. Anesu has now completed 7th grade in November 2006. Has no sponsor for high school education.

Because of your loving support, Anesu has chosen to lead her life by growing both physically, educationally and spiritually. She likes bible studies and singing. Thanking you in advance for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Linton Nezomba

Name: Linton Nezomba

Birthday: 25 February, 1994 (13 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Linton is 13 years old. Both parents are alive but never lived together. His father never assumed the responsibility of Linton since he was a baby. The mother is not able to take care of his son so the maternal grandmother is the legal guardian of Linton. She is a vender. Linton joined Ishe Anesu Project when he was in 1st Grade. He had very slow pace of learning in school. This caused him to repeat 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. We are now seeing great improvement from him and he can now read and write and does well his school work. He does not have a sponsor.

Because of your loving support, Linton has grown up to be a very nice and humble boy who is accepting to lead a Christian life just like his grandmother who is a very strong Christian and a member at the Hilltop United Methodist Church. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Promise Masahwi

Name: Promise Masawhi

Birthday: 2 December 1996 (11 years)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Promise Masawhi is 11 years old. Both his parents are deceased. He lives with his older brother Ashmore 12 years old. They used to live with their grandmother but she is in failing health. It is so pathetic that these two little boys have been abandoned by their grandmother and their 15 years old sister who is pregnant and moved from this house to live with her boyfriend and the grandmother went back to rural areas to live with her own children. Their elder sister 15 decided to leave the 2 boys with the neighbors to watch them from time to time. Promise and Ashmore depend on Ishe Anesu for all their daily needs. Promise is in 4th grade and he is a very slow learner. He had to repeat 1st and second grades. His brother Ashmore, is also a very slow learner in 6th grade. But we are doing all we can to tutor them after school and there is a great improvement.

Because of your loving support, Promise and Ashmore are growing in both physically and spiritually manners. They are well behaved and very humble boys. They enjoy Bible study time and like to reciting Bible verses and singing. They also like to act in dramas. These 2 boys are the only members in their family who are members of the United Methodist Church. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Biography of Ivy Mhembere Nov 2006

Name: Ivy Mhembere

Birthday: March 21, 1991

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Ivy Mhembere is 15 years old in Form II and lives with both parents, a sister and a brother. Her father is mentally disturbed and the mother is a volunteer in the kitchen at the Ishe Anesu Project. Ivy joined the Project of Ishe Anesu when she was in 1st Grade. She used to miss school due to lack of school fees. Ivy is now in Form II (sophomore). She does not have a sponsor. It cost $350.00 per student per year. Ivy is a very humble girl and very eager to learn. She is a very good student. Her hobby is net-ball. At home she helps with the household chores.

Because of your loving support, Ivy has chosen to lead her life by growing both physically, educationally and spiritually. She likes to participate in discussions during Bible lesson by singing and performing drama. We would appreciate it very much if you could provide financial support for Ivy. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Biography of Portia Biningu

Name: Portia Biningu

Birthday: 27 April 1992 (14 years)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal information

Portia Biningu is 14 years old. She lives with her single mother and her younger sister Thulani (10) and Prince (8). The two are in 3rd Grade. The three are members of Ishe Anesu Project. They desperately need help. Their father abandoned them when they were very young. Portia is an average student. She helps out with house chores. During her free time she likes to play netball.

Because of your loving support, Portia is growing both physically and spiritually. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Biography of Princess Magarezano Nov. 2006

Name: Princess Magarezano

Birthday: March 5, 1989

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu Project

Personal Information:

Princess Magarezano is 9 years old a girl and her sister Pride 11 years old (D.O.B.) December 1994 are sisters. They live with their single mother. Their father passed away. The mother is a street vender. Princess and Pride joined Ishe Anesu when they were in 4th and 5th Grades. Both have no sponsors. Their hobby is play hand ball and at home they help with house chores.

Because of your loving support, Princess and Pride are becoming interested in Bible studies and singing. They are both very humble little girls and seam to be growing in both physically, educationally and spiritually. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Rutendo Matsuku Nov 2006

Name: Rutendo Matsuku

Birthday: May 15, 1989

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Rutendo Matsuku is 17 years old a girl in Form III. She lives with her mother and 2 sisters. Her father passed away. The mother makes her living as a street vender. Rutendo does not have sponsor. It costs $350.00 per high school student day school per year. Her hobby is to play hand ball and at home she helps her mom with house chores and gardening.

Because of your support, Rutendo has chosen to lead her life by growing physically, educationally and spiritually. We would appreciate very much if you could provide financial support for Rutendo to complete high school. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Shamiso Mhlanga

Name: Shamiso Mhlanga

Birthday: 28 February, 1994

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Shamiso is 13 years old. Her parents are both deceased. She lives with her maternal grandmother. The grandmother makes her living by working in gardens and fields away from home. The grandmother suffered a very great loss of her children due to AIDS and she is looking after her grandchildren. Ishe Anesu is supporting 3 of them; Shamiso, Treddah, Rumbidzai. Shamiso is in 5th Grade. She is a very slow learner and sometimes needs to repeat the class. She does all their house chores including taking care of her little brothers and sisters. Her sport?s hobby she likes to play volleyball.

Because of your support, Shamiso is growing both spiritually and physically. The family is a member of the Hilltop United Methodist Church in Sakubva. We would appreciate it very much if you could provide financial support for Shamiso.Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Stephen Machisa Nov 2006

Name: Stephen Machisa (boy)

Birthday: May 14, 1994

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Stephen is 12 years old in 6th Grade. His mother is mentally disturbed and lives with lives with his grandparents. They make their living by vending in the streets. Stephen is a humble and pleasant boy. He used to miss classes due to lack of school fees. He joined Ishe Anesu when he was in 1st Grade and has good grades. Stephen?s hobby is cricket. At home he helps with house chores. Stephen is brought up in a Christian family. He enjoys bible studies and singing. Stephen needs a sponsor. It costs $250.00 per year. We would appreciate it very much if you could provide financial support for Stephen. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Biography of Takunda Magure Nov.2006

Name: Takunda Magure

Birthday: 18 February, 1994

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Takunda Magure, 12 years old and lives with his grand-aunt. Takunda joined Ishe Anesu Project when his father passed away and the grandaunt denied Takunda?s mother the custody of her 2 little children and she is not allowed to visit them. The grand-aunt is a street vender. Takunda was not able to attend school full time due to lack of funds. But, through the grace of God Takunda has become a member of Ishe Anesu since he was in 1st Grade. He has now passed 7th Grade. Takunda needs support to continue with his education in high school. He is a very bright student and a very humble boy and eager to learn. It costs $350.00 per year. His favorite sport is basketball. Takunda has had a chance to play basketball at school as well as to other schools. At home he is given forced labor to do all the house chores including going to bed late and waking up very early and given less time to study.

Because of your support, Takunda has chosen to lead his life by growing both physically, educationally and spiritually. He likes bible studies and singing. We would appreciate it if you could provide financial support for Takunda. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Talent Moses

Name: Talent Moses

Birthday: 16 July 1992 (14 years)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Talent is 14 years old. Her parents are both deceased. She lives with her aunt. The aunt is a vender. The aunt is married but her husband does not allow his wife to help Talent with her personal needs as well as sending her to school. When Talent joined Ishe Anesu she was 8 years old. Talent started first grade when she was 8 years old with Ishe Anesu Project. Talent is now in Form I (freshman). It costs $350.00 per year. At home, talent is expected to do all the house chores, cooking, laundry etc. She is well experienced to do her house chores and she does well with a smile. She likes to play netball.

Because of your loving support, Talent is growing both spiritually and physically. She likes to sing and act in drama during Bible lesson time... Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Tawanda Chadiwana

Name: Tawanda Chadiwana

Birthday: December 20th, 1989

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal information:

Tawanda is 16 years old and lives with both of his parents. The father is in failing health. Mother is a street vender and a volunteer in the kitchen at Ishe Anesu Project.. He has 4 brothers. Tawanda joined Ishe Anesu when he was 9 years old in 3nd Grade. He used to miss school because he used to be expelled from school for lack of funds. He became a street kid and found his food in garbage cans. But Tawanda has now changed. He has accepted to be a new born again Christian. Tawanda has been attending Marange Mission Boarding School for four years now. He is going to finish Form IV in December and he has very good grades. He would like to have scholarship to proceed with his education in A-Level for 2 more year.(only after completing A-Level that he can be qualified to go to Universtiy). The cost is the same as before, $650.00 per year. His dream plan is to continue with education up to college level. Tawanda?s hobby he enjoys playing soccer. To help out, he does house chores and tends garden. The family attends church at Hilltop United Methodist Church in Sakubva.

Because of your loving support, Tawanda has chosen to lead his life by growing both physically, educationally and spiritually. His life has changed to better Christian life. He is a member of Scripture union at Marange high school. He expresses himself to be a born again Christian. We would appreciate it very much if you could provide financial support for Tawanda. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Tawanda Muyambo

Name: Tawanda Muyambo

Birthday: 11 November, 1991 (15 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Tawanda is 15 years old. His mother is deceased and he lives with his father and his paternal grandmother. The father cannot secure a job and the grandmother is a vender. Tawanda joined Ishe Anesu when he was in 1st Grade he is now in Form II (9th grade). He is a good student. He does not have a sponsor. It costs $350.00 per year. Tawanda does house chores and likes to play soccer.

Because of your loving support, Tawanda has grown to accept to lead his life in Christian way. At Ishe Anesu Project, he enjoys Bible lessons, singing and drama. We would like very much if you could provide financial support for Tawanda. Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Tiffany Ferro

Name: Tiffany Fero

Birthday: 04 June 1991 (15 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Tiffany is 15 years old. She lives with her mother and her elder sister. Her sister is a high school drop-out due to lack of funds. Tiffany father passed away when she was in 2nd Grade. Her mother is a vender. Tiffany is a very intelligent student is now in Form I (Freshman) in high school. Her goal is to continue with high school education. It costs $350.00 per year. She does house chores and her hobby is playing basketball.

Because of your loving support, Tiffany has grown to be a very humble girl who is accepting to lead a life in a Christian way. At Ishe Anesu Project Tiffany is so proud to take part in Bible lesson and in performing drama and enjoys singing. Tiffany and her mother and her sister are members of the Hilltop United Methodist Church. Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all who have contributed in supporting Tiffany in her primary education.

Yvonne Mhembere?s biography

Name: Yvonne Mhembere

Birthday: 23 March 1990

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Yvonne Mhembere, 16 years old and lives with both parents. Yvonne joined the Project of Ishe Anesu in July 1998. She was in 3rd grade. She used to miss classes due to lack of funds. Her father is mentally disturbed. The mother is doing housekeeping as a volunteer at the Ishe Anesu project. Yvonne is a student at the Marange Mission Boarding school. She is now in her 4th year. She is going to graduate from high school in December 2006 and has good grades. She would like to have scholarship to continue with her education to complete A-Level for 2 years then proceed to Africa University. It costs $650.00 per year for A-Level. Yvonne plans to become a nurse. Her hobby is to play net-ball. At home she helps with the household chores and helping her mom to give assistance to her father.

Because of your loving support, Yvonne has chosen to lead her life by growing both Union. We would appreciate very much if you could provide financial support for Yvonne. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Golden Chiyange

Name: Golden Chiyange

Birthday: April 26th 1989

Country Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal information:

Golden is 16 years and lost both his parents. Now living with his paternal and single grandparent. The grandparent makes her living as a vender. Golden is only child. He joined Ishe Anesu when he was in 6th Grade and always had problems securing place in school for he was always expelled from school due to lack of school fees. Golden is a very good student and a very humble boy. Golden is now attending Marange Mission Boarding School for four year he is making good grades. He will graduate from Form IV in December 2006. Golden would like to have scholarship to continue with his education and complete A-Level for 2 years. Golden is fond of soccer. At home he helps with house chores.

Because of your support, Golden has grown up to be a very nice and humble and quiet boy who has chosen to lead a Christian life. Golden says: ?Before I joined Ishe Anesu I was as poor as a church mouse in both spirit and in way of living but now I have improved in spirit.? Golden is now a member of Scripture Union at Marange High school. We would appreciate it very much if you could provide financial support to Golden. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Portia Biningu

Name: Portia Biningu

Birthday: 27 April 1992 (14 years)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal information

Portia Biningu is 14 years old in 7th Grade. She lives with her single mother and her younger sister Thulani (10) in 3rd Grade and Prince (8) also in 3rd Grade. The three are members of Ishe Anesu Project. They desperately need help; such as clothing, school fees. It costs $250.00 for primary school for a year. Their father abandoned them when they were very young. Portia is an average student. She helps out with house chores. During her free time she likes to play netball.

Because of your loving support, Portia is growing both physically and spiritually. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Biography of Previous Sadadzi

Name: Previous Sadadzi

Birthday: November 27

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Previous is now 17 years old living with her mother. Her father passed away in1997. Her mother makes her living as a vender. Previous has one little brother who is 6 years old. She joined Ishe Anesu when she was in 6th Grade she was then an ?A? student. Previous has been attending Marange Boarding School for 4 years. She will graduate Form IV in December 2006 (12th grade). She is planning to proceed with her education by attending A-level Form V and Form VI equivalent to (junior college) for 2 years then proceed to Africa University. (This is her dream). She would like to be an accountant. Previous is a very outstanding student who makes ?A?s and B?s? since primary school. While she is waiting for the Form ? IV results any time in February, Previous is helping in tutoring students at the Project. Her favorite sport is basket ball. At home, she does all the house chores to help her mother. She is responsible for her little brother care and helps him with his home work. Previous is using her free time to bake and sell cookies to help with the house expenses. The family attends church at Hilltop United Methodist Church at Sakubva.

Because of your loving support, Previous has chosen to lead her life by growing, physically, educationally, and spiritually. She is a member of a Scripture Union at Marange Boarding School. She is a very effective member in her church at Marange and at Hill Top United Methodist Church. Previous is a very humble and pleasant young lady and is very responsible person and eager to help and learn . She wishes to become an accountant. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Kudzai Muparutsa

Name: Kudzai Muparutsa

Birthday: 1988

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information: Kudzai is 18 years old. His mother died in June 2006. His father abandoned Kudzai when he was very young. Kudzai and his older brother and a younger sister live with their grandmother. He joined Ishe Anesu when he was in 3rd Grade until he finished primary school. In 2002 Kudzai was sponsored to continue with his education at Marange High School for 4 year where he finished Form-IV in November 2006. Immediately in the same month of November we enrolled him at Magamba Training Center for a vocational course in mechanics for one and half years. The first 6 months at Magamba Kudzai was doing theory in school. After that he has been doing practical work and will continue for 8 months. In April 2007 Kudzai will go back to the Training Center to complete his training for 3 more months. Then he will graduate.

At this time we would like to thank all those who contributed toward his education. Ishe Anesu Project is very grateful to you for your generous support to Kudzai. You were there supporting him from the beginning. Starting from Primary to High School now to a Magamba Training Center. And for giving him hope when he was hopeless.

Biography of Josephine Razemba

Name: Josephine Razemba

Birthday: 19 years old

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Josephine is 19 years old. She has both parents living but very poor to support their children. Josephine was 13 years old when she and her sister Lynette then (10 years old) both joined Ishe Anesu Project and were both in 1st Grade. Josephine has been a very outstanding student from 1st Grade all the way to primary school. Josephine in now a student at the Marange Boarding High School where she is in Form-IV (equivalent to 12th Grade). Josephine will graduate from high school in December 2007. She wishes to continue to do Forms V and Form VI if funds are available. The cost is the same as before. It costs $650.00 per student per year.

At this time we would like to thank all those who contributed toward her education. We sincerely would like to say to you all; ?THANK YOU? for your generous support to Josephine. I want to thank you for giving hope to once upon a time HOPELESS Josephine. I want you to know that by sharing your love as you give to Josephine you have saved one more soul in Zimbabwe, and you have opened a green light of hope in Josephine?s life.

Biography of Annah Takawarasha

Name: Anna Takawarasha

Birthday: 15 years old

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Annah Takawarasha is 15 years old in Form III. She lives with her mother with several sisters. Her mother cannot afford to pay school fees for her children and grandchildren. They are very poor. Annah joined Ishe Anesu in 1998 when she was in 2nd Grade. She needs prayers because she is going through a difficult time with her family. The family has changed to a third denomination and they want Annah to join them but Annah is refusing to join them. She wants to continue to be member of the UMC. Annah says she is proud of being a Methodist. At Ishe Anesu, she enjoys Bible lessons and drama and songs that are being taught at the Project. Annah needs a scholarship in order to complete high school. It costs $350.00 per year.

Let me take this opportunity to thank you all who are making it possible for Annah to continue with her education. Thank you for your prayers and assistance.

Biography of Cosmas Simbi

Name: Cosmas Simbi

Birthday: 22 October 1998

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Cosmas is now 18 years old. Both his parents are deceased. His mother was a single parent. Cosmas lives with his grandparents, 3 brothers and 4 cousins who also have lost their parents. The grandparents are old and in failing health. One of the cousins Forget Tom (18) is also a member of Ishe Anesu and he is in Form-III at Marange High School. Cosmas and Forget and Cosmas younger brother Lovemore (15) used to be street kids. The three of them joined the Project unfortunately Lovemore run away from the Project to continue with street life up to date. Cosmas and Forget both joined Ishe Anesu when they were in 3rd Grade. Forget in now in Form-III at the Marange Boarding School. Cosmas was not able to complete high school due to difficulties in comprehension. Ishe Anesu decided to enroll him in a vocational training school at Magamba Training Center where he is being trained as a mechanic. Both need sponsors.

Because of your loving support, Cosmas and Forget are now accepting Christ as their savior. When they joined the Project, they did not know which way to take as they were used to beg in streets to get easy cash. We pray that one day Lovemore will be found and return to the Project. Thank you for your prayers and your assistance.

Biography of Tafadzwa Hondowhe

Name: Tafadzwa Hondowhe

Birthday: August 2nd August 1990 (16 years old)

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Tafadzwa is 16 years old living with her mother. Tafadzwa comes from a very poor family. Her father passed away. Her mother makes her living as a vender. Tafadzwa has 3 sisters and she is the 2nd girl in the family. She joined Ishe Anesu when she was in primary school. She is now doing Form ? III (Junior) at Marange Mission Boarding High School taking 8 subjects. Tafadzwa is a very outstanding student. She has one more year to finish Form-IV.

Tafadzwa spiritual life. She is growing physically educationally and spiritually. She is a member of a Scripture Union at Marange Boarding School. She is a very effective member in her church at Marange. She loves to sing. At Marange, she is a member of school choir. Thank you for your prayers and support to Tafadzwa.

Biography of Josephine Razemba

Name: Josephine Razemba

Birthday: 19 years old

Country: Zimbabwe

Project: Ishe Anesu

Personal Information:

Josephine is 19 years old. She has both parents living but very poor to support their children. Josephine was 13 years old when she and her sister Lynette then (10 years old) both joined Ishe Anesu Project and were both in 1st Grade. Josephine has been a very outstanding student from 1st Grade all the way to primary school. Josephine in now a student at the Marange Boarding High School where she is in Form-IV (equivalent to 12th Grade). Josephine will graduate from high school in December 2007. She wishes to continue to do Forms V and Form VI if funds are available. The cost is the same as before. It costs $650.00 per student per year.

At this time we would like to thank all those who are contributing toward her education. We sincerely would like to say to you all; ?THANK YOU? for your generous support. I want to thank you for giving hope to once upon a time a HOPELESS Josephine. I want you to know that by sharing your love as you give to Josephine you are saving one more soul in Zimbabwe, and you have opened a green light of hope in Josephine?s life. Josephine is a very good Christian girl. She is a member of Scripture Union at Marange Boarding school.Thank you for your prayers and support.

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Developed by Sabino Humbane with photo editing by BADE studio.