Ishe Anesu -- God Is With Us

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Bill & Maria Humbane
Interim Newsletter
July 15, 2004

After our heavy but most gratifying itineration to our supporting churches and friends in North Indiana, Holston, Rocky Mountain and Michigan Conferences, we are now finding time to relax with our children and grand children--first in Evansville, Indiana, now in Mansfield, Texas and on to Oakland and Watsonville, California this weekend. This has been our most rewarding itineration in terms of consolidating our relationships and friendships with all the people with whom we interacted. This consolidation was characterized by warmer hospitality, more enthusiasm and interest shown to us as we went from place to place and from home to another. The extended commitment you have made for the growth and development of our mission projects in Zimbabwe, namely, Ishe Anesu Project and Africa University, also extends our commitment to doubling our efforts in our duties and responsibilities. We have the assurance that we are not alone. We are working togetherwe being the bridge and you the pillars that support and prevent the bridge from collapsing.

Our appreciation goes to all of you for your love, for your gifts and for your prayers. A special gratitude to all of your who opened your beautiful homes to accommodate us; those of you who drove long distances either to pick us up from and to the airports; to those of you who transported us from one church to the next; to all of you who prepared delicious meals to feed us during our afternoon or evening presentations; to those of you who took us for sight-seeing; to those of you who arranged private visits to Community Houses, Business Clubs (Rotary and Kiwanas); to those of you who engaged us in your preparation of gifts that are shipped to our projects in Zimbabwe, namely, books, food buckets, clothes and school supplies; to the children who served drinking water to men and women working under the scorching sun, sweating, dripping with sweat; to children and their instructors in Vacation Bible Schools for their performances and inspiring ideas I could go on and on and on.

After the break with our children, we will continue to visit a few churches that could not take us in due to conflicting scheduling. According to present plans, we plan on returning to Zimbabwe by the end of September. Our home-base residence in the USA continues to be 621 South Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Indiana 47714, and our cellphones are: 917-365-6722 and (812)-205-5550. Please remember to use the e-mail during the time we are in the United States. The Zimbabwe e-mail address is:

May God bless you.
In Christ,
Bill and Maria
Developed by Sabino Humbane with photo editing by BADE studio.